Friday, March 31, 2017

Friday Freebie Time Already - New Cross Stitch Pattern

It's quite a rainy Friday here but I'm gonna get over it and here is a free cross stitch pattern for you to help you get over it too :) Enjoy! 
Free cross stitch chart

Monday, March 27, 2017

Some Snarky Cross Stitching for You

Well, it was quite the weekend, and it clearly has put me in quite the mood.  So, I am all about the snarky cross stitch patterns today.  I have a new release today in my etsy shop and a few oldies but goodies to share as well. 

snarky cross stitch pattern
We all have people that this applies to... now you can cross stitch those feelings out! Pattern is available in my etsy shop here

snarky cross stitch pattern

And this one runs through my head many times a day.  Pattern is available in my etsy shop here 

And for the trifecta of snark... Get Screwed pattern is available here

snarky cross stitch pattern

Friday, March 24, 2017

Free Cross Stitch Pattern Friday

I'm not gonna lie, when I run on the treadmill, I get VERY bored.  I'm not a huge running fan to  begin with.  Mostly I only like to run on the soccer field, I call it running with a purpose.  But, with the weather we have had, running on the treadmill has been about my only option. The other day as I was running on the treadmill trying to find entertainment I noticed my outlets looked like they were faces and really the faces were saying,"What are you thinking?"  And thus provided the inspiration for this free cross stitch pattern. 
subversive cross stitch pattern

Friday, March 17, 2017

Free Cross Stitch Pattern Friday!

Well, this week was crazy, here we are in March with a  pretty nasty snow storm after having the pleasure of wearing shorts in February.  Certainly keeping us on our toes.  Feeling a little sad about not getting outside and definitely missing the green grass.  So here is my Friday freebie, free cross stitch pattern to describe my feelings exactly and still bring some brightness with the flowers.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Finally had some time to finish all of my recent cross stitch pieces in their embroidery hoops, very excited with how they all turned out.  One is ready to ship out to a client and the rest are ready to hang on my cross stitch wall.  Since it took me a few weeks to actually get them in their hoops, it'll be interesting to see how long it takes me to get them hung... stay tuned :)

cross stitch boss cross stitch library pattern

custom cross stitch pattern

modern cross stitch patterncross stitch dragon

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Finishing Cross Stitch Patterns In Hoop and Cross Stitching on this Snow Day

Well we did get a decent snow storm today, not quite the 18-24" originally predicted, but still enough to keep us all home today.  That's right, ALL OF US!  Not very good for my productivity but I was able to get some stitching done on my newest commissioned project.  Looking forward to seeing this pattern come to life.
Puppy love cross stitch pattern

I was very excited to prep all of my finished cross stitch pieces for embroidery hoop finishing today.  These are the final few pieces for my cross stitch wall and I am excited to finally have them done. (for finished fronts stay tuned tomorrow)  I'm not gonna lie though, finishing the finished pieces is my least favorite part.  I love stitching and love seeing them hung, but wish I had a magic finishing fairy to do them for me.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Friday Freebie- Free Cross Stitch Pattern Friday

Here it is Friday and we are ready for the free cross stitch pattern for today.  A quick easy housewarming card.  Stitch it up in colors of your choice, its such a quick one you can stitch it up in a moments notice.

Custom Cross Stitch Design Work

custom cross stitch design

Well, it is a snowy, snowy march day here.  Felt like such an ugly joke when I walked outside today.  Definitely wasn't ready for snow after playing outside yesterday in t-shirts.  But, looking for the silver lining  in the dark, snowy cloud, it will allow for more stitching time today so I guess that is good thing. 

To brighten my spirits I was looking at some feedback and completed cross stitch pieces clients have shared with me either via email or etsy feedback and I thought it might be fun to share a few here.  I think they all did such a beautiful job stitching!  I just LOVE seeing the patterns I create come to life.

Click here for information on having a custom design created.

custom etsy cross stitch patterncross stitch pattern

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Eek- New Stitching Adventure - Needlepoint

Ok, huge admission here... I've never done needlepoint!  I have always been a cross stitcher at heart and never really had the opportunity or mindset to branch out into needlepoint.  Recently I have created several needlepoint patterns for clients and have decided that I really want to try it. 

So, I bought a few supplies and figure I'm going to give it a try.  So we will see if there is another needlepoint post or if this is a one time digression from straight up cross stitch. 

Would LOVE to see pics of your needlepoint creations!  Please share in the comments.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Cross Stitch Kit Creation

cross stitch kit
I had the opportunity to create a kit for a client this weekend.  It is always such a fabulous experience kitting up a project. It is exciting to pull the DMC floss colors together and so satisfying to cut the fabric and see the piece starting to come to life. 

All the supplied gathered and prepped for cutting/assembly.  LOVE the soft, spring like colors of this pattern.

cross stitch floss

Love the rotary cutter/mat for cutting the embroidery lengths and the aida fabric.

I always stitch off of my computer so I don't print patterns except when I am creating a kit, fortunately, I actually had ink & paper to print the patterns today!

Cross Stitch Pattern PDF

Lastly, putting together the entire kit with the printed patterns, bamboo embroidery hoop, sorted & labeled floss, and 14 count aida fabric. Now it's just off to the post office and to its new home :)

cross stitch kitCounted Cross Stitch Pattern

Monday, March 6, 2017

Doodling for Creative Relaxation- what do you do?

I find many stitchers that I talk to have many different creative interests and ways to relax in addition to the cross stitching that they do.  I thought it might be fun to take a moment to look at different creative endeavors that stitchers do instead of cross stitch.  I love to doodle as a way to decompress, relax my mind and still be creative.  Please post your way to relax and enjoy creative endeavors other than cross stitch - I'd love to see them :)

Here are a few of the doodles I have done and a doodle display I have up in my home.  I also like to doodle like this with thread on paper.  No pattern, no plan, just "stitch doodles"

Add caption

 Here is a recent start and progress, looking forward to many more hours of relaxation with this one.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Wedding Cross Stitch Pattern- Simple Beauty

I was so fortunate recently to have a client share her beautiful work created from one of my patterns.  It just brings me such happiness to see the patterns come to life when clients take their time to show me their work.
cross stitch pattern monogram

This pattern is a simple and elegant wedding or anniversary gift and fits with just about any style.  Pattern is personalized for you so no charting necessary on your part, just get the PDF and start stitching! 

Loving the colors she used in these patterns as well!
modern wedding cross stitch
Pattern is available here
wedding cross stitch pattern

Friday, March 3, 2017

Friday Freebie YEAH! Free Cross Stitch Pattern

Well, sometimes life just hands us lemons and it's what we do with them that impacts our life the most. So, here is a Friday Freebie, free cross stitch pattern for you for when life hands you lemons. A quick easy stitch to brighten your day :)