Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Finishing Cross Stitch Patterns In Hoop and Cross Stitching on this Snow Day

Well we did get a decent snow storm today, not quite the 18-24" originally predicted, but still enough to keep us all home today.  That's right, ALL OF US!  Not very good for my productivity but I was able to get some stitching done on my newest commissioned project.  Looking forward to seeing this pattern come to life.
Puppy love cross stitch pattern

I was very excited to prep all of my finished cross stitch pieces for embroidery hoop finishing today.  These are the final few pieces for my cross stitch wall and I am excited to finally have them done. (for finished fronts stay tuned tomorrow)  I'm not gonna lie though, finishing the finished pieces is my least favorite part.  I love stitching and love seeing them hung, but wish I had a magic finishing fairy to do them for me.

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