Friday, February 24, 2017

Fun Friday Cross Stitch Pattern Freebie

free cross stitch patternGoing with some How I Met Your Mother humor today for my Friday free cross stitch pattern.  Always gotta love having a drink ready at hand from "Linus".  This pattern can be stitched on 14 count aida using chart to the left.

pop culture hand embroidery pattern

Or it can be transferred to any fabric for hand embroidery. 

I am including images for graph stitching, for tracing from a window/light box and reverse image for printable transfer. 

Enjoy and may there always be a Linus filling your glass.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Just Stitching and Loving Life

What an amazing few days we have had.  I can't believe it is February and we are out in shorts and t-shirts.  I am loving every moment of this warmth and abundant sunshine.  While I am not outside I am just stitching away on my current cross stitch WIP's, although one became a finish today so now I need to figure out what I want to stitch next (what a great dilemma to have :))

thin line between love and hate cross stitch
Pattern available here
Loving the way my thin line between love and hate cross stitch piece finished up.  It is in my stack to put into an embroidery hoop and hang... maybe this weekend!

I am back to working on my Serenity Prayer cross stitch pattern while I mull over the next project to begin.  I really  like these small, quick stitch projects, they provide such a sense of accomplishment.

Serenity Prayer Cross Stitch
Pattern available here

Friday, February 17, 2017

Cross Stitch Pattern Friday Freebie

Happy Friday!  It's time for another free cross stitch pattern.  There are days with my children that just drive me absolutely insane.  Sometimes because of my children, sometimes because of their hectic schedule, and sometimes just because.  This quick stitch "wanted" poster is perfect to stitch up on one of those days for a quick laugh.

On 14 count the completed size will be 7"W x 5" H.  Enjoy!

cross stitch pattern free

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Mother's Day Cross Stitch Patterns

I know it's hard to believe but Mother's Day is right around the corner and it is never too soon to start your stitching for mom, or for yourself :).  I'm pretty sure I am going to stitch up one of these lovelies for myself. Trying to decide between the first and second patterns...  I love them both and just can't decide quite yet.
floral mom cross stitch pattern
Pattern available here:

mom typography cross stitch pattern
Pattern Available Here:

mothers day
Pattern is available here:

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Cross Stitching Progress and Finishes

Been a crazy few weeks around here.  Feels like the kids have been home a lot and it had definitely slowed my stitching productivity.  But, we have had so much fun getting outdoors and enjoying nature and soccer together, it is so worth it.

But I am very excited to be over half way done with my thin line between love and hate cross stitch pattern

cross stitch pattern
So excited to see the words all together
And I have two recent finishes.  My Mini Dragon Cross Stitch Pattern and my Boss Get it Done Cross Stitch Pattern

boss cross stitchI really just can't decide which I like better.  I think though what I like most about all three of these patterns is how quickly they stitch up.  It is a lovely feeling to have a few finishes.

cross stitch dragon

Friday, February 10, 2017

Today is Our Day Cross Stitch Pattern

Wow, I am always amazed when Friday rolls around and I haven't had time to blog during the week.  I did have a cross stitch pattern finish and have made some great progress on another one so I will try and share that this weekend.  Won't take away from the awesomeness of free cross stitch pattern Friday.  I'm feeling the need for some inspiration today so I am going to make it my day- and you can too.  This is a quick little stitch, you choose the colors for your space.  Enjoy & happy stitching!
today  is our day cross stitch pattern

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Boss Cross Stitch Pattern and Thin Line Between Love and Hate Cross Stitch Pattern

Get it done cross stitch pattern
Want to stitch it - get your pattern here
I am very excited to have started this Boss Get it Done Cross Stitch Pattern.  Love the "gold" tone of the text and I am stitching it on gold flecked 14 count aida for even more fun!
Nice quick pattern to stitch made a little headway on it.  Looking forward to more great stitching progress this week.  

boss cross stitch

Can you see the really beautiful gold flecks shining out of this fabric, how fun is that :)

rose cross stitch pattern
Want to stitch it too, get your pattern here

love and hate cross stitch pattern

This thin line between love and hate cross stitch pattern is one of my new favorites as well.  I am really enjoying how the colors work together in this pattern.  I don't think the pattern picture does it justice though and I am so excited to see it completed!

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Cross Stitch Dragon and Serenity Prayer Progress

dragon cross stitch pattern
Very excited to say, my cross stitch dragon is completed!  Still needs to be washed, pressed and put in the embroidery hoop, but feeling quite accomplished with this finish! 

Progress on the Serenity Prayer Cross Stitch Pattern is slower, but steady.  I try and put in stitches every day so that I keep making some progress.

But since I finished my dragon I am starting 2 new cross stitch patterns.  Why 2?  Because I couldn't choose between the two so I am going to stitch them simultaneously.  They are both smaller size patterns so should only take a week or two. serenity prayer cross stitch pattern
 I had the fun today of checking my fabric and DMC embroidery floss stash and kitting up my projects to begin stitching.  I am using a plain white aida for the one project and a lovely gold dusted aida for the 2nd project and I *LOVE* all of the DMC floss colors.  They make my heart beat just a little faster... and I'm off to stitch!

cross stitch fabriccross stitch kit

Cross Stitch DMC Embroidery Floss

Friday, February 3, 2017

Never Stop Chasing Rainbows Cross Stitch Pattern

Wow!  Friday is here already and this is the first opportunity I have had all week to write.  It's a beautiful thing to be busy, and I am incredibly grateful for the work created from my shop  and for the opportunities my children have to participate in great activities.

I will be starting a new cross stitch project today and will hopefully have time to write about it next week.  But on to the important stuff for today... the free cross stitch pattern for Friday!!

This one is a favorite of mine,  I stitched it for my daughter!  I never want my kids to quit dreaming, chasing their dreams and having fun.  It is so important to be responsible but it is equally important to do what makes you happy along the way. If stitched on 14 count aida  it will fit nicely in a 7"W x 5"H frame or matted area.  Enjoy!

never stop chasing rainbows