Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Cross Stitching Progress and Finishes

Been a crazy few weeks around here.  Feels like the kids have been home a lot and it had definitely slowed my stitching productivity.  But, we have had so much fun getting outdoors and enjoying nature and soccer together, it is so worth it.

But I am very excited to be over half way done with my thin line between love and hate cross stitch pattern

cross stitch pattern
So excited to see the words all together
And I have two recent finishes.  My Mini Dragon Cross Stitch Pattern and my Boss Get it Done Cross Stitch Pattern

boss cross stitchI really just can't decide which I like better.  I think though what I like most about all three of these patterns is how quickly they stitch up.  It is a lovely feeling to have a few finishes.

cross stitch dragon

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