Friday, December 30, 2016

How it all began

As I look forward to a new year I thought today might be a good day to look back on some history of my cross stitching.  My mom was quite the seamstress, she made me many beautiful dresses that I grass stained and tore pretty quickly, I am afraid to say.  I was quite the tomboy growing up and I imagine it was quite challenging to keep me in dresses at all.

She completed this in 1987
In any case, she also cross stitched many beautiful pieces.  I have a piece she stitched that is too large for me to photograph, but is such a wonderful memory.   Beyond that I am blessed to have these two pieces she stitched.  It's funny, I never stitch my initials/date on a piece, however, I should because as I look now it is neat to see the year she completed these pieces.

I treasure having these pieces as just one more memory and part of her in our home.  My stitching style tends to be a bit different, I am not sure I ever would have the patience to stitch pieces this large but certainly my love of cross stitch is inherited.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Because One is the Loneliest Number

This post has taken me a day and half to write.  Not because it is a difficult, long or involved post, but because I am enjoying the interruptions of three children who are feeding me sticker ice cream and playing star wars risk and making secret code necklaces.  Also, there may have been a break for ear piercing as well (Gasp). 

But off the children and on to stitching.  I started a second quick stitch project because I need to see more definitive progress and the larger project, while not huge, just doesn't give me that instant gratification of seeing a piece complete. This second project is framed in a little 5" embroidery hoop and is just a quick cross stitch bride and groom silhouette.  This one will have it's home on my cross stitch wall.
  Started this cross stitch bride and groom project yesterday and I modified the pattern a bit by just using the bride and groom and switched the colors to a pretty blush/peach and grey combo.  I am planning to add just the wedding date in the open space of the hoop (I already have a monogram or two on my cross stitch wall.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Variety is Supreme and Creative Chaos Reigns

I love having my kids home for Christmas break.  We all have so much fun together, but I must say they make counting incredibly difficult... and what am I trying to make progress on?  A counted cross stitch pattern of course.  

 And as you can see I am watching soccer all the while too.  So many distractions to counting right now.  (you can almost see the amazing header happening in the background on the TV :))  Back to the stitching, I am excited to see some progress on my serenity prayer pattern.  I have counted a few areas and half stitched them so I can go back and fill without having to count while everyone is home on break.

Back to the kids though, we took some time yesterday to get out and enjoy the more tepid weather and went for a quick jog.   Gotta get all their energy out and work off all the holiday calories.  I'm just saying, my daughter made pecan pie bars (my weakness).  A lot of running in my future.

And of course we needed some creative coloring time with these fabulous sparkly gel pens and amazing color by numbers.
And I still LOVE to paint by number, so this needed to happen too... tomorrow I have more stitching progress and a stitch surprise coming :)

Monday, December 26, 2016

Serenity Prayer Cross Stitch Progess

Here we are, the day after Christmas in our house and the kids are happily playing and I am looking at my stitching progress from yesterday.  There was some, it was slow and at times backwards, which is always a tear inducing, rage causing experience, but all is fixed now and moving forward.

We were so blessed yesterday with mild temperatures and beautiful sunshine.  It was so inspiring to sit and stitch in the warmth and sun.  (It was also pretty fabulous to go outside and kick the soccer ball around with the kids :))

Here is where I started yesterday, all snuggled under my cozy soccer blanket (are you catching the theme that I love stitching and soccer!
Enjoying our special family tradition of watching A Charlie Brown Christmas.  I must admit I think I was more excited to watch it than the kids this year.

And I will be picking up here today.  Looking forward to starting a new flower and DMC floss color.  I am such an instant gratification stitcher, I love the quick work on the flowers in this pattern.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Grand Cross Stitch Ambitions

Well, I had grand ambitions of getting much more stitching done than I did (71 measly stitches)!  We won't even talk about 71 out of HOW MANY stitches.  But, I was very glad to finish up two commissioned pieces


And then get them rolled and packaged and off to the post office.

And then of course there are holiday class parties and preparations that are SO fun, but eat into the stitching time.  So here are my 71 stitches and I 'm off to add some more.  I am sure to be quiet the next few days as Christmas is upon us.  Merry Christmas!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Isn't It Luscious

It is luscious, just look at the sparkle, look at the shine and look at those bold, beautiful colors.  I am clearly WAAAAAY to excited about just gathering the materials for this project.
And here is where the magic begins, just look at all of those bins

I tried desperately to capture the sparkle and gorgeousness of this 14 count aida... it's there I promise :)

And these bold, bright, happy colors itching to be added to the fabric

Even the needle - size 24 for 14 count aida (slightly less exciting I know)

And last but most certainly not least, THE PATTERN.  I stitch in hand and read the pattern from a PDF file on my computer. I love this because I blow up sections of the pattern to any size I want while I am stitching them and I never have to worry about my pages disappearing (3 children make quick work of loose pages laying around). Stay tuned for actual stitches.... Coming Soon :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

And the Winner is...

Happy Stitching Hump Day:)  Drumroll please!  I have the pattern to start stitching by popular demand and it was....

Tune in tomorrow as I kit up the project and get ready to stitch!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Welcome to my little world of cross stitch designs and stitching conundrums.(such a fun word :))  This insane week before Christmas finds me trying to complete pattern orders, complete stitching orders all while planning kid class parties (although they are just the most fun!!) And stitching up a gift or two.
A quick office gift for the hubby!
While finishing up party items and stitching items I am trying to think ahead to my next project.  The year 2017 will be spent stitching samples for my etsy shop.  So my conundrum is, which pattern to stitch up first, and that is where you come in.  I have three patterns that I am trying to decide between.
I love them all and I just can't decide, so I am asking for input.  The pattern that gets the most comments will be the pattern I choose to stitch first :)  Right now The Serenity pattern is in first place.  I will be following the progress of the pattern from kitting it up to framing it in the end, follow along to watch your favorite come to life!