Monday, December 26, 2016

Serenity Prayer Cross Stitch Progess

Here we are, the day after Christmas in our house and the kids are happily playing and I am looking at my stitching progress from yesterday.  There was some, it was slow and at times backwards, which is always a tear inducing, rage causing experience, but all is fixed now and moving forward.

We were so blessed yesterday with mild temperatures and beautiful sunshine.  It was so inspiring to sit and stitch in the warmth and sun.  (It was also pretty fabulous to go outside and kick the soccer ball around with the kids :))

Here is where I started yesterday, all snuggled under my cozy soccer blanket (are you catching the theme that I love stitching and soccer!
Enjoying our special family tradition of watching A Charlie Brown Christmas.  I must admit I think I was more excited to watch it than the kids this year.

And I will be picking up here today.  Looking forward to starting a new flower and DMC floss color.  I am such an instant gratification stitcher, I love the quick work on the flowers in this pattern.

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