Friday, December 30, 2016

How it all began

As I look forward to a new year I thought today might be a good day to look back on some history of my cross stitching.  My mom was quite the seamstress, she made me many beautiful dresses that I grass stained and tore pretty quickly, I am afraid to say.  I was quite the tomboy growing up and I imagine it was quite challenging to keep me in dresses at all.

She completed this in 1987
In any case, she also cross stitched many beautiful pieces.  I have a piece she stitched that is too large for me to photograph, but is such a wonderful memory.   Beyond that I am blessed to have these two pieces she stitched.  It's funny, I never stitch my initials/date on a piece, however, I should because as I look now it is neat to see the year she completed these pieces.

I treasure having these pieces as just one more memory and part of her in our home.  My stitching style tends to be a bit different, I am not sure I ever would have the patience to stitch pieces this large but certainly my love of cross stitch is inherited.

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