Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Variety is Supreme and Creative Chaos Reigns

I love having my kids home for Christmas break.  We all have so much fun together, but I must say they make counting incredibly difficult... and what am I trying to make progress on?  A counted cross stitch pattern of course.  

 And as you can see I am watching soccer all the while too.  So many distractions to counting right now.  (you can almost see the amazing header happening in the background on the TV :))  Back to the stitching, I am excited to see some progress on my serenity prayer pattern.  I have counted a few areas and half stitched them so I can go back and fill without having to count while everyone is home on break.

Back to the kids though, we took some time yesterday to get out and enjoy the more tepid weather and went for a quick jog.   Gotta get all their energy out and work off all the holiday calories.  I'm just saying, my daughter made pecan pie bars (my weakness).  A lot of running in my future.

And of course we needed some creative coloring time with these fabulous sparkly gel pens and amazing color by numbers.
And I still LOVE to paint by number, so this needed to happen too... tomorrow I have more stitching progress and a stitch surprise coming :)

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