Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Cross Stitch Productivity is on the Rise Again

It is not a lovely day outside, rain has been steadily falling for two days.  But it is a very happy day inside as peace and quiet abound and my cross stitch productivity is on the rise.
I love my family and really enjoyed having them home over the last two weeks but it does wreak havoc on my stitching time and progress. 
the socks don't seem like a great idea
Certainly we had to take some time for some indoor house soccer.
It's great, and we almost never break anything.

I am working on filling up my cross stitch wall with some more traditional patterns and some "less" traditional patterns, but still wise words.

I love this cross stitch wall (not gonna lie, I can't take credit for the large chevron M, that was all the hubby)  I am making some good progress on the cross stitch bride and groom silhouette that will have a space on my wall.

Not sure where the Serenity Prayer will have it's home yet  as it will be framed not hung in a hoop.  Off to stitch again.

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