Friday, January 27, 2017

Happy Friday - God Bless America Cross Stitch Pattern

It's almost a lovely Friday here, that sun keep trying to peek out.  Anyway, I am always happy and excited when Friday rolls around!  I have a God Bless America Cross Stitch Pattern to share free with you today.  Just 3 colors, red, white and blue.  Enjoy!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

How to Start a Cross Stitch Project for the Beginning Stitcher


This is a little tutorial about starting a small cross stitch project.  Not bigger than about 10" x 13".  I like to stitch "in hand" no hoop or frame as I find it easier, but with larger projects that is not necessarily the case.

First I cut down my aida fabric allowing at least 2-3" of extra fabric all around the design size for framing (or counting/centering mistakes) always good to have a safety net.
Here I cut my fabric to 10" square for a pattern that was about 5" square.

After I have cut my fabric, I need to find the center of the fabric.  I find the easiest, quickest way to find the center is to fold.  First, I fold the fabric vertically and then again horizontally.

Now, when I unfold it, I can see where the folds meet in the center of the fabric and that will be where I start my stitching.  Usually on the gridded pattern there will be arrows at the top center and the left side center and you can draw lines down and over and where they meet will be the center stitch of the pattern.

I personally like to stitch with 3 strands of DMC Embroidery Floss when I am stitching on 14 count aida.  Standard patterns usually call for 2 strands.  I would recommend trying a couple of stitches with both on a scrap piece of aida and decide your preference prior to starting your actual project.

Here I have started separating strands into two sets of 3. I do take the time to separate each of the 6 strands and then put them back together, I just separate into 2 sets of 3.  I do however, let the strands dangle and unwind a bit before threading my needle and as I stitch I let my need dangle every once and while to let it unwind to keep the stitches nice.

I have threaded my needle and now I am ready to place the first stitch.  I come up from the bottom right hole of the center square (pinched spot from above) and I gently hold a small portion of the thread behind the fabric so I can stitch over it to keep it in place.  Then I bring my needle down through the top left hole of the center square.   That is my first half stitch. To finish it as a whole cross stitch I would then bring my needle up through the bottom left hole of the center square and then back down through the top right hole.  That would be a whole cross stitch.

But, as I am doing a larger block of the same color I am going to place a number of 1/2 stitches prior to going back and finishing the full cross on each one.  So my next stitch is to come up at the bottom right of the hole next to my center stitch and then back down through the top left of the 2nd hole.

I am on my way with my project.  Stay tuned for finished version.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

How to use a PDF Cross Stitch Pattern

I decided today to write about how to handle PDF cross stitch patterns as I receive a lot of questions regarding how it will work and what to do if you are only used to purchasing kits.  I completely understand the joy of kits as everything is ready, pre-cut and you just start stitching, but if I may, PDF patterns have their great appeal too.  They are quick, either immediate download or usually within 24 hours via email.  That's much better for those of us immediate gratification stitchers.  I cannot stress enough how easy it is to stitch from the pattern on my laptop; no more holding the patterns up, no more losing patterns, no more ripped patterns. Enough convincing, and on to the good stuff!

First, if you do not already have a PDF reader installed you will need to download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software found here

Once that is downloaded you are ready to go.  Open that awesome pattern and check out the details.

Back from the craft store with all my supplies laid out.  I found some lovely 14 count aida on sale, and I grabbed a fun red and of course the standard 310 (although that is such an important stash color, so maybe bought a few more to keep on hand!  I have a wonderful cutting mat and rotary cutting thanks to a very supportive wonderful hubby, but scissors and ruler work too.  Whatever you have on hand.

My design size for this pattern was 4.5 x 5.3, I usually like to leave between 2"-3" extra fabric all around the design ( for framing OR for when I make a mistake finding the center- always nice to have a cushion).  I cut my fabric for this piece to 10" x 10".  Now I am ready to get stitching, just like if I had bought a kit!  So go buy those PDF pattern files, get 'em quicker, stitch 'em quicker and it's another great excuse to get out to the craft store!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Happy Friday Horse Shoes Cross Stitch Pattern for You

It may not be the nicest Friday here, dreary and rainy, but still need to have our free cross stitch pattern for Friday.  These horse shoes are a fun little pattern, quick and easy to stitch up.  You choose your colors (pattern is done in shades of pewter grey) and put it on a card or a patch or framed in a small embroidery hoop.  Happy Stitching!
Free Cross Stitch Pattern

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Let's Get Lost Together Book Stack Cross Stitch Pattern FINISHED!

Library Cross Stitch Pattern
Books Cross Stitch Pattern
I am so excited today, I finally finished my books stack cross stitch pattern.  Such a quick an easy pattern that really took me much longer than expected as I just couldn't seem to find the time to actually sit down and stitch.  Now we will see how long it takes me to clean, press and frame in the embroidery hoop.

I did have a couple small finishes on the side.  A personalized soccer ball ornament for my boy and a custom initial done on linen.  I must say, I don't often stitch on linen, but I do love the end result.
monogram cross stitch
Initial Cross Stitch
soccer ball cross stitch
Soccer Ball Xstitch

Serenity Prayer Cross Stitch
dragon cross stitch
Mini Dragon Cross Stitch
serenity prayer cross stitch

I am excited to get back to stitching my serenity prayer pattern, and I already picked out my next quickie project, my mini dragon.  So, no more writing, now more stitching :)

Monday, January 16, 2017

Soccer Monday... and yes it will tie back to cross stitch

How you ask?  How will cross stitch and soccer tie together???   I just got back on the field after a year break due to injury, surgery and recovery.  Technically I am still on the "no play" list, but as I play in a very relaxed, social rec. soccer league I figured now was the time. 

It was a bit nerve wracking and I was definitely slow as I  am 7 months out of an ACL surgery and really wasn't terrible to quick before the surgery, but I think I ran enough today to  warrant cake so I am going to consider it a win. 

Because our family is such a soccer loving group, I have created a number of cross stitch patterns related to soccer that I am sharing here today in honor of my first time back out on the field in a year!  If you are a cross stitching soccer lover like me, all of these patterns are available in my etsy shop: 

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Cross Stitch Book Stack Progress... Finally

Did she forget about it, you wonder.  Has she given up completely?  No,  it's just life gets in the way of stitching and days go by with no time to pick it up at all.  Joy of joys I had some time last night to get stitching and I finally made a bit of progress on my
cross stitch librariancross stitch book stack.   I love this pattern, it is really quick little sections of color and it moves quickly when I actually have time to sit and stitch.  I have set a goal for myself to have it done by the end of this weekend.  So here is a picture of my progress today, hopefully by Monday a full picture will come.

Friday, January 13, 2017

It's Friday! Yeah! Time for a Cross Stitch Pattern for You!

So excited that it is Friday!  It has been a very long week as an adult so for my free cross stitch pattern this week I am sharing my mantra - I am NEVER growing up.  This fun whimsical pattern uses whole cross stitch and half cross stitch and is a simple beginner project or a great side project for when you need a break from the really big ones!  Chart is below, you choose your own colors to make it yours.  It is designed on 14 count and when stitched on 14 count aida will be 6.7" square.  I hope you enjoy this free cross stitch pattern!

--Find Me/Follow Me---

Thursday, January 12, 2017

I feel so privileged

One of my favorite parts of being a cross stitch designer is seeing the completed patterns come to life and knowing that I have helped in part create a special keepsake for people to love for years to come.  Recently I have been so fortunate that clients have shared their completed projects with me and it really made me think about what a wonderful "job" this is.  It is definitely a case of do what you love!  Here are just a couple samples to enjoy!
Cross stitch hearts
Mr & Mrs Hearts Pattern

Infinity Love Baby Feet on Chevron

Custom Interlocking Monogram

Custom Interlocking Monogram
Personalized Baby Feet

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Why Love Counted Cross Stitch?

I love counted cross stitch for a lot of reasons, but the most important one of all is creating something from scratch.

DMC Floss

Counted Cross Stitch There really isn't a better feeling that creating beautiful pictures.  Some like to do it with ink, markers, crayons, paint, you name it, I love to do it with DMC Floss and Aida Fabric. Here I started with small piece of fabric, floss and a pattern. 

And slowly but surely I brought one book cover to life.  Not that you can tell yet to look at this picture that it is a book cover, but still I know and part of the picture is there. Progress on Cross Stitch

Counted Cross Stitch

Then the next time I pick the project up, it comes to life even more, still not completely clear where I am going with it, but seeing the different colors come to life is so exciting!

 Then the progress really picks up and I  can really start to see the shapes and ideas of the pattern come to life.

Counted Cross Stitch ModernAnd now the project is so far along it is very clear that I am stitching a stack of books, I can even see the perspective of the books going in different directions. It is really starting to feel alive.  It is also really exciting to be this far on a project because I can already start planning for the next stitched project.  Only a few more days on this one.  Happy Stitching!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Epic Fail Monday

I am a warm climate kind of person.  I am happiest in 90 degree weather and really love the sun.  BUT I live in an area that experiences winter.  No I do not need the change of seasons and I don't love the first snow.   Of course the rest of my household loves snow and doesn't mind the cold weather, in fact with the bits of snow we have had they have been over the moon.

Motivational Cross Stitch Pattern
Don't Quit Cross Stitch Pattern
So because I HATE the cold, today was tough to get moving and motivated as we are in the single digits here.  So I needed some motivation today and maybe a quick laugh so I went searching through my cross stitch pattern files and found these first two cross stitch patterns that are just fabulous for empowerment and inspiration and the last one just makes me smile. 

Cross Stitch Quote
I Am Cross Stitch Pattern

Subversive Cross Stitch Pattern
Monday Epic Fail Cross Stitch Pattern
So I decided to post them here for anyone else out there who might need some motivation, inspiration or just a quick smile on this chilly Monday.  I might even stitch up the Monday Epic Fail Pattern today if the Don't Quit pattern motivates me enough :)

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Why to Love PDF Cross Stitch Patterns and Stitching from your Computer

Let's be real here, how often do you go to print something only to find that you have LOW INK.  Maybe it doesn't happen to everyone, but it happens to me A LOT!  My kids LOVE to print and copy so I never seem to have ink when I need it.  Which is why PDF cross stitch patterns are the greatest; and here is my complete list of reasons!

1.  They are almost instantaneous.  As an instant gratification stitcher, I like to have a pattern that I see quickly.  I don't want to wait for it to come in the mail.  The joy of PDF pattern files is having them WAY more quickly than mailed patterns.
why use PDF cross stitch patterns

2.  It is harder (not impossible mind you, I have done it) to lose them.  In our house if there is paper laying around for even a few minutes it either gets cleaned up, thrown out, written on, colored on, you name, it happens. 

The PDF files remain safe on my computer, and if I accidently delete them on my computer they are in my email from when I received them. 

3.  I can work off the PDF files on my computer.  No more printing, saving trees too!

4.  I can work off an enlarged copy that is spread over multiple pages or I can work off of a pattern on one page just blown up.

5.  I don't need a clip/hook/book/gadget to hold my pattern up, my computer screen is already standing up next to me.  Handy!

6.  If I were so inclined there are apps and programs that will allow you to highlight your pattern as you go.  I personally like to work on a color pattern so I do not highlight so no special apps for me.

PDF pattern file
Even though no special apps, I love how easy it is
to count when the darker lines show up so well for
every 10th stitch
7.  Less clutter and dust in the house.  Less paper creates less dust, creates less mess.  I can store my digital patterns on a memory stick/external drive so doesn't have to clutter up my computer either.

8.  Easily searchable patterns (If you name them well when you save them).  I learned that the hard way, sometimes I wonder what I was thinking when naming pattern files. 

9. I always have my patterns handy when I travel, as I always have my computer with me.  No worries about missing a page, losing a page. 

10. I can enlarge the pattern as BIG as I want whenever I want, I love not being limited to certain paper sizes.

Free adobe acrobat reader for cross stitch pattern
Here I have 100% size and then all the way up to 200% size.  Helps with vision and with counting.

 11.  Did I mention that Adobe PDF Reader is FREE!!!!  So, it doesn't cost anything to open and use on your computer.  Saves money on ink & paper so you can spend more on patterns!!

Friday, January 6, 2017

Cross Stitch Freebie Friday

Happy Freebie Friday! So very glad it is Friday, looking forward to a nice weekend with the kids!  Certainly looking forward to more sun and warmth, but will just be great to have some downtime with the kiddos. 

Cross Stitch LOVEIn celebration of Friday, I have decided to post a free cross stitch pattern.  I created these words/letters to be stitched on 14 count Aida or over 2 on 28 count linen ( for you really brave, patient souls out there) I created banners with them to hang on a mantle/tree/staircase.  Mine were hung on a tree that I donate each year to a local multi-service group. They were quick and easy to stitch up 

I cut my 5" squares of fabric, sewed the edged with a sewing machine and then trimmed the edges with pinking shears and attached them to a 5.
Cross Stitch Believe5" square of black scrapbook paper using two cross stitches.  I uses black twine for the banner and attached it on the back of each mounted letter using those same top cross stitches.  I think next year I will create the word believe again for my mantle.

Below are the words shown on a grid so I hope you enjoy and certainly would love to see anything you make using these letters :)

Cross Stitch Joy

Cross Stitch Peace

Cross Stitch Joy Love Believe

Thursday, January 5, 2017

It's All About the

2017 is going to be my year of productivity and  I don't actually have a lot of time, three kids and their activities make time a fleeting memory of days past.  What I do have a lot of is hobbies, creative ideas and desire to make things and the desire to fit it all in.  So I am trying timers this year to help my productivity.  Each day, I create a list of everything I want to work on during the day.  
cross stitch library pattern

I set aside a certain amount of time per item and set a timer for myself. Because just like I enjoy getting lost in books, I also get lost in projects and several hours of my day later I will have not accomplished a quarter of what I wanted.
modern cross stitch
 I am finding that when I break my day into 45 minute blocks of project time I am more productive and stay on task better.  I am enjoying seeing great progress on my projects, while still having the opportunity to enjoy my hobbies such as riding, reading, soccer, doodling and of course pattern designing and working in my cross stitch etsy shop.
cross stitch progress
custom cross stitch wedding vows

Of course, only time will tell if the timers of 2017 work for me.  But 5 days in and I am feeling pretty good about them.