Monday, January 9, 2017

Epic Fail Monday

I am a warm climate kind of person.  I am happiest in 90 degree weather and really love the sun.  BUT I live in an area that experiences winter.  No I do not need the change of seasons and I don't love the first snow.   Of course the rest of my household loves snow and doesn't mind the cold weather, in fact with the bits of snow we have had they have been over the moon.

Motivational Cross Stitch Pattern
Don't Quit Cross Stitch Pattern
So because I HATE the cold, today was tough to get moving and motivated as we are in the single digits here.  So I needed some motivation today and maybe a quick laugh so I went searching through my cross stitch pattern files and found these first two cross stitch patterns that are just fabulous for empowerment and inspiration and the last one just makes me smile. 

Cross Stitch Quote
I Am Cross Stitch Pattern

Subversive Cross Stitch Pattern
Monday Epic Fail Cross Stitch Pattern
So I decided to post them here for anyone else out there who might need some motivation, inspiration or just a quick smile on this chilly Monday.  I might even stitch up the Monday Epic Fail Pattern today if the Don't Quit pattern motivates me enough :)

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