Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Why Love Counted Cross Stitch?

I love counted cross stitch for a lot of reasons, but the most important one of all is creating something from scratch.

DMC Floss

Counted Cross Stitch There really isn't a better feeling that creating beautiful pictures.  Some like to do it with ink, markers, crayons, paint, you name it, I love to do it with DMC Floss and Aida Fabric. Here I started with small piece of fabric, floss and a pattern. 

And slowly but surely I brought one book cover to life.  Not that you can tell yet to look at this picture that it is a book cover, but still I know and part of the picture is there. Progress on Cross Stitch

Counted Cross Stitch

Then the next time I pick the project up, it comes to life even more, still not completely clear where I am going with it, but seeing the different colors come to life is so exciting!

 Then the progress really picks up and I  can really start to see the shapes and ideas of the pattern come to life.

Counted Cross Stitch ModernAnd now the project is so far along it is very clear that I am stitching a stack of books, I can even see the perspective of the books going in different directions. It is really starting to feel alive.  It is also really exciting to be this far on a project because I can already start planning for the next stitched project.  Only a few more days on this one.  Happy Stitching!

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